The Library Code of Conduct
- Follow all Library Policies and Procedures including the food and drink, cell phone and computer use policies.
- Engage with library staff in a respectful and courteous manner.
- Treat other library users with respect. Avoid loud conversations, disruptive behaviour, and use of the library for non-academic or non-research purposes.
- Exit the building when prompted by announcements either at closing or during fire alarms
- Care for library equipment, furniture, and facilities. Leave library furniture in its place.
- Wear shoes and clothing while in the library.
- Never enter areas designated “staff only” without an appointment.
- Respect the rights of other users to access library materials. Deliberate misplacement of library materials, or the deliberate postponement of returning library materials, is prohibited.
- Never leave personal items or library laptops unattended. The library is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items.
- Smoking in the building is prohibited.
- Lewd or obscene conduct,or sexual misconduct, is prohibited.
- The library will contact the Principal if the library user is a student and is in violation of the code of student conduct.
- Use possession or distribution of any controlled substance, alcoholic beverages, or illegal drugs is prohibited.
- Refrain from sleeping in the library.
- Library users have to always present library Id. Card.
- Leave the library at closing and limit use of the library to authorized areas.