College Discipline

  • Students are supposed to come in proper uniform and always carry identity card in college premises.
  • Student should be present in his or her classroom while lecture is going on.
  • Student’s should not loiter on the corridors or verandah.
  • Spitting,disfiguring, sticking bills, scribing on the walls ,floors, pillars, doors , digital smart Board , camera , biometric machine,mike system are strictly prohibited.
  • Students are advised to take all possible care of college properties and must not tamper with the same.
  • Students should follow the Library rules strictly.
  • Misbehaviour of a college student inside or outside the college Premises shall be considered as breach of college discipline and may entitles such offending students to be expelled from college.
  • Student are expected to abide by the general hygienic principles, and they should not attend classes if they are suffering with infectious diseases.
  • No meeting of students can be allowed inside the college without the permission of the Principal.
  • It’s a duty of every students to keep the college campus clean and beautiful.
  • Students should behave properly with teaching and non teaching both the faculty members.
  • Students should follow and abide all the instructions given by college office through online or offline mode.