Grievance Redressal Cell
As suggested by University Grants Commission, New Delhi, the College has established a Grievance Redressal Cell, to provide a mechanism for redressal of students’ grievances and ensure the transparency in admission, and prevention of unfair practices, etc. Therefore our Grievance Redressal Cell came into existence in the year 2016 in accordance with the University Grants Commission regulations 2012 (The Gazette of India, March 23, 2013). The function of the cell is to look into the complaints raised by any student and staff pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the College. Grievance cell strives to solve students’ academic and administrative problems and at the same time caters to the problems faced by staff. It is empowered to look into matters of harassment. The cell also encourages staff & pupil to give their suggestions in matters related to their welfare, academics and entertainment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the cell members in person. In case the person is unwilling to appear in self, the students may feel free to put up a grievance in writing and drop it in complaint box. Grievances may be dropped in writing either with the Grievance Cell members or they can email on the cell. The institution aims at solving the grievances of the students within stipulated time.
The objective of the Grievance Cell is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute, so that The GRC of college functions with following purposes
• To ensure a democratic environment in the campus,
• To acquaint all teacher-trainees about their rights and duties,
• To solve the various personal and educational related grievances of the teacher-trainee,
• To make the institute student friendly
• To ensure the qualitative as well as quantitative development of institution through GRC.
Our Grievance Cell is constituted for the redressal of the problems reported by the Students of the College with the following objectives:
• Upholding the dignity of the College by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the College through promoting cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-teacher relationship etc.
• Encouraging the Students to express their grievances / problems freely and frankly, without any fear of being victimized.
• Suggestion / complaint Box is installed in front of the Administrative Block in which the Students, who want to remain anonymous, put in writing their grievances and their suggestions for improving the Academics / Administration in the College.
• Advising Students of the College to respect the right and dignity of one another and show utmost restraint and patience whenever any occasion of rift arises.
• Advising all the Students to refrain from inciting Students against other Students, teachers and College administration.
• Advising all staffs to be affectionate to the Students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
• Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited in and outside the institution. Any violation of ragging and disciplinary rules should be urgently brought to the notice of the Principal.
• To co-ordinate between students, teachers & administration to redress the grievances.
The GRC deals with Grievances received in writing from students about any of the following matters:
Academic matters: Related to timely competition of syllabus, transfer certificate, conduct certificate and other examination and scholarship related matters.
Financial matters: Related to dues and payments for various items from fee clerk, library, etc.
Library matters: Issue and return of books, syllabus, photocopy, and question bank, etc
Other matters: Related to certain misgivings about conditions of sanitations, preparation of food, victimization by teachers, harassment, discrimination, ragging etc.
- The college Grievance Redressal Cell shall follow the principles of natural justice while considering the grievance
- Grievance Redressal committee (GRC) shall consider only individual grievances of specific nature of students and staff.
- The GRC shall not consider any grievance of general applicability or of collective nature of raised collectively by more than one student.
- Post receipt of the complaint/application the committee will decide on the merit of case regarding scope of further discussion investigation and act promptly.
- The GRC may mediate between complainant and defendant against who the complaint has been made, it required.
- After receiving the complaint, the concerned parties are called and give equal opportunities to put their point of views.
- GRC shall consider redressing of grievances within a reasonable time (within period of fifteen days of receiving the complaint).
- The cell will give report to the authority about the cases attended to and seek guidance from the higher authorities if required.
- If required GRC will forward grievances to management on the basis of severity of the issue.
- Depending on the seriousness of grievance, the issues are settled by cell or by the cell or by the principal in consultation with parents and faculty. With the collective efforts of all the stakeholders such as principal director chairman resolves the complaints promptly and efficiently.
- The quorum for the meeting shall be four including chairperson.
- The students can lodge their grievance through offline /online
- The students may feel free to drop the writing in the grievance/ suggestion box.
- Students can register their compliance through this E-Mail:
- The Grievance Cell will act upon those cases which have been forwarded along with the necessary documents.
- The Grievance Cell will assure that the grievance has been properly solved in a stipulated time limit provided by the cell.
- Action of GRC will be record on register
- Institution shall appoint and remove all members and others for redressal of Grievance under The UGC Regulation (Grievance Redressal).
- The Tenure of the Members shall be Two years.
A committee comprising of the Principal, two senior faculty, and one student representative from the committee.
The Grievance Cell Committee consists of the following members:
- The Principal – Chairperson
- Four teacher representatives – one coordinator and second three member ( where one should be female)
- Two Student representative –Members- One From First year and Second from Second Year